I see trees of green tree of life embroidery design (Digital File Only)

I see trees of green tree of life embroidery design (Digital File Only)


I see trees of green, red roses too, I see them bloom for me and you, and I think to myself, what a wonderful world. Beautiful Tree of Life Embroidery Design created in The Hanky Shoppe Studio exclusively for our denim shoppe.

File is in a PES, DST, EXP, HUS, SEW, VIP, JEF, PCS, VPS, XXX formats, designed for a 9 1/2” x 14” hoop

I am happy to share my embroidery files for the hobby sewer who would like to add them to their collection. I only sell designs I have personally digitized or files I own that were digitized by a third party.

You are purchasing access to download digital embroidery files that are intended for use with a digital embroidery machine.  You are not purchasing a finished product. Given the digital nature of these products, no refunds or exchanges are permitted.  Please verify your cart items before your purchase.

No refunds or exchanges are permitted including:

- You have changed your mind
- You do not have technical ability or machine requirements to complete the design

You should also know that you have bought a high quality design that is subject to copyright.

You may sell any item you make with it in small quantities (under 10/yr), you may add or delete from it, but you may not ever sell this design as your own.

By purchasing this design, you have agreed to the terms and conditions of use of this design.

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